

Revamp Formatting

// 27 April 2019

A final review of the look and CSS configuration, new widgets like accordions and code blocks are now available. Furthermore separate the authoring workflow and add necessary information to GitLFS which I have converted the site to.

Customised Content

// 21 April 2019

Finally putting the finishing touches in the configuration of the book and its design. Particularly interesting is the addition of new “widgets” using shortcodes and custom CSS+Go functions.

New Initiative

// 17 March 2019

After more than 3 years finding the right tools to allow crowd source writting in a simple way, without big servers, plugins, server-side code and databases, this time I have cracked it and this is the template to follow. Hugo static website generator in combination with GitHub to collaborate and Netlify to host it is the best possible scenario I have found. Let’s do this! Jordi Bares